The Know-How to Power Your Negotiation Like a Pro

The Know-How to Power Your Negotiation Like a Pro

Where does your ‘umph’ come from when it comes to persuasion and influence?  Put another way, from where do you derive your power?  The type of power you’re tapping into can either help or hinder your effectiveness, your reputation for being a fair player,...

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Save Time and Money by Getting Key Info Quickly

Save Time and Money by Getting Key Info Quickly

“Oh, I probably should have told you… … I’ll have to pass this along to the person who gets the final say so. … There’s a third party with veto power (who you’ve not yet met). … We only have a week to get this nailed down, as a hard deadline. … [Insert critical fact...

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Save Time and Money by Getting Key Info Quickly

Save Time and Money by Getting Key Info Quickly

“Oh, I probably should have told you…  … I’ll have to pass this along to the person who gets the final say so.  … There’s a third party with veto power (who you’ve not yet met).  … We only have a week to get this nailed down, as a hard deadline.  …...

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I hate my boss, now what?

I hate my boss, now what?

Bad bosses take so many forms: Micromanaging, Oversharing, Unrealistic demands, Poor systems that make more work instead of streamlining, Inadequate communication, Public chastisement… the list goes on and on. We’ve all been in a situation with a bad boss before. If...

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